If I’m just changing my landscape, do I need to submit an Architectural Change Form? Yes, definitely. Please review our revised Architectural Control Standards for more information. Please submit your form before work starts!
If my key to the pool / tennis court doesn’t work, what do I do? Go to the contact form on this site. Be sure to put “Problems with Keys” as the subject.
If I want to paint my house, do I have to submit an architectural application and wait for approval before I start? Yes you do. In fact, any architectural changes made to your home (including landscape) must be approved by the Architectural Committee. A form can be downloaded from this website. As a general rule, the committee is pretty quick with turn-around time.
Can I use the park facilities for my group event? We regularly get requests for members to use the park for kids parties and end of school picnics and such – that’s great and we encourage our members to make full use of the facilities we all pay for. To clarify: any HOA member can bring any number of guests to use the facilities as long as that member remains present at all times. You are responsible for the behavior of your guests. Please remember that no commercial use of any HOA facility is permitted at any time: that means you can’t charge a fee to any guests. If you are bringing outside vendors or equipment in (such as a Bouncy for kids parties) then you need to contact the Board via dawn@elitemanagement.com as we’d need to verify your proof of insurance with the association named as an additional insured.
What should I do if I see a non-homeowner using our facilities without a guest present? If you are so inclined, it is not unreasonable to ask the violator to leave and not come back unless they are with a Homeowner at all times. If you are uncomfortable with this, then please use this website to notify the management. Make sure to include the date and time frame that you observed the non-guest. All reports will be kept anonymous.
Can I lend my pool key card to non-Homeowners? The facilities (pool, tennis courts, tot lot, park) are for the exclusive use of Villanitas residents and their guests. The Homeowner must be present with the guest at all times. Letting a non-homeowner use your key for access to our community facilities while the Homeowner is not present is NOT allowed. Key privileges will be revoked if it is found that this is happening.
When are the Board Meetings? typically held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month with the format noted(in person or ZOOM), location, date and time posted on the pool bulletin board outside the pool bathrooms several days before each meeting
My child is having a Birthday party at the park. Can I have a jumpy on community park grounds? Yes you can, with the proper preparation. Please submit a request to the management company (via e-mail). In the request, list the jumpy company and make sure that they are properly insured. Most jump companies will have a certificate of insurance you can list. We require an Additional Insured Endorsement naming Villanitas Home Owners Association and Elite Management.
What should I do if I want a vendor to come onto Association property? For instance, if I have a birthday party in the park and hire a company to come and entertain the children. Is there anything special I need to do? Please submit a request to the management company (via email). In the request, list the vendor and make sure they are properly insured. We require an Additional Insured Endorsement naming Villanitas Home Owners Association and Elite Management.